Using the WEBSOCKET connection, it is possible to:
Streampublic/RFQ quotes from the orderbook in realtime
Publish an RFQ requests (for market takers) to receive personalized quotes
Stream RFQ requests (for market makers) to subsequently provide personalize quotes
Authorize Websocket
Upon connection with the Websocket server, users must send an AUTH message with an api key. If this step is not done, any requests to Stream quotes or Publish RFQ requests will be denied.
Subscribing to quotes allows a user to stream real time quotes that are published to the orderbook along with any private quotes that may also be available from an RFQ request. By default, ALL public quotes are subscribed to upon authorization of a websocket connection. FILTER messages are required.
If the desire is to send an RFQ request to receive personalized quotes, it must be done by sending an RFQ message type. Please note that in order to RECEIVE these personalized quotes via websocket, the FILTER message when subscribing to quotes must include the taker address. Alternatively, it is possible to use the get rfqQuotes REST API endpoint.
// Javascript Sample Code
const { WebSocket } = require('ws')
const { parseEther } = require("ethers");
const wsUrl = ''
// or for prod environment
const MOCK_API_KEY = '3423ee2bfd89491f82b351404ea8c3b7'
const authMessage = {
type: "AUTH",
body: null
// All fields are required
const rfqPublishMessage = {
type: 'RFQ',
body: {
poolKey: {
base: '0x7F5bc2250ea57d8ca932898297b1FF9aE1a04999'
quote: '0x53421DB1f41368E028A4239954feB5033C7B3729'
oracleAdapter: string
// serialised bigint
strike: parseEther('1700').toString()
// make sure maturities either tomorrow,
// the day after tomorrow,
// each Friday of current month,
// last Friday of each next month
// 8:00 AM UTC
maturity: 1702022400
isCallPool: boolean
side: 'ask',
chainId: '421613', // or '42161' for prod environment
size: parseEther('1').toString(),
taker: '0x3D1dcc44D65C08b39029cA8673D705D7e5c4cFF2'
const ws = new WebSocket(`wss://${wsUrl}`)
function connectWebsocket() {
ws.onopen = (event) => {
console.log("Websocket connection open")
ws.onmessage = (event) => {
function sendMessage(_message){
ws.onmessage = (event) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Closing connection")
}, 1000)
Subscribe to RFQ Requests
As a market maker who would like to provide quotes to users who want to utilize RFQ, it will require subscribing to requests to be alerted when a request is made. In order to respond to an RFQ, market maker must publish quotes (via rest api), with the takerAddress populated with the requesters address, otherwise the quote is fillable by any party and will likely be missed by the requester who is listening for quotes with their address populated in the takerAddress field of a quote.